Swatches and plans

Happy 2nd day of the New Year everyone!! I hope all of you had a lovely 1st!

Today I swatched a stitch that was just yelling to come from my needles.


I think the cables and eyelets look quite lovely together. I'm doing some figuring for what I want this to eventually become.

Swatch Close up

And a bit of a close up. I should probably block this, and pin it on my idea board.

I've been scribbling out how I'm going to go about my Knitting and Crochet lessons I announced on the last post.

Lesson Plan

I think I covered the basics, and I'll maybe add a few more and I think about it.

And I got to thinking about making mini monthly goals to set for myself.

Do any of you have any plans you set for yourself, either monthly or for the entire year?

Take care, and happy crafting.

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