Hello everyone!
This past Sunday I decided to get out of the house and travel to the San Diego Vintage Flea Market. A couple semesters ago a classmate told me about it, but I was unable to attend it due to having other things going on. But I am very glad I was able to go. I took public transit, ended up on the wrong bus first go around, but eventually made it, and left with a few treasures! Sadly I took no photos at the event, but I believe the next one is in November, so I'll see what I can do!

I scribbled up a simple list on Evernote, and was able to grab what I could from it. Clearly getting patterns was my main goal.

I grabbed this pattern, and the gloves in the big haul photo from a booth which I stupidly forgot to grab a business card from. I'm wondering how a higher collared pattern would look on me.

Snagged these buttons from a very sweet vendor who chatted me up a bit. She was very happy to hear I sew my own clothing, and wished me luck in my endeavors. These are ceramic buttons, and I plan to add them to a dress I have planned later this year.

I was meandering down the the aisle and my patterns radar was kicked off. These were both in the same bag, and of course they needed to come with me. At the vendors stall, I saw a very gorgeous lucite purse, but I refrained from getting it, I decided to be good, and I'm not kicking myself over it so it worked! The first patterns envelope was in a sad state, but all the pattern pieces were accounted for. Now to get some comics sleeves to protect them.

Picking between the various offerings of the Oblong Box Shop booth was very difficult. I left and came back after a little bit of wandering about, and ended up taking the white Pinup Top home with me. Its a very cozy fit, and is quite versatile!
In the overview of my patterns, I found an extra little treasure. It's not that much, but it made me smile and wonder a bit.

Tucked inside this pattern instructions was a note from a lady who was taking home ecc in the 1950's. They seemed to be her class notes for this pattern. And I got to wondering, did she ever finish making the outfit? What colors did she choose? Did she love the end result? I suppose this is why I like history and old things, I always get to wondering about the past. Here is a close up of the note, if you're curious
And I have a question for you guys, have any of you been to a vintage flea market in your city, or anything similar? How was it?
Labels: thrifting, vintage, vintage patterns